Hello angels and demons from my nightmare.
"Menurut kiraan hisab, anak bulan Syawal tiada di atas ufuk Singapura kerana terbenam lebih awal daripada matahari selama lima minit. Oleh yang demikian esok (hari ini) adalah hari pencukup bulan Ramadan 30 hari. Dan 1 Syawal 1429 Hijrah jatuh pada lusa (esok), Rabu, bersamaan 1 Oktober 2008," kata Mufti Syed Isa Semait.
"Dan menurut kiraan hisap, bapak bulan ada kat atas kepala kerana dah malam. Oleh yang demikian esok adalah hari untuk enjoy puas-puas. Dan lusa adalah hari untuk mak bapak aku sembelih aku cukop2 sebab keputusan peperiksaan ITE jatuh pada hari itu.
Ish. Takot lah daddy. Daddy dapat results pada Hari Raya ke-dua lah. Tkpe2, mari kita enjoy2 dulu.
Yay!. Esok raya. Puasa tak nak, raya nak. Wakaka. Yok yok, nyanyi lagu raya lah, lagu Ewa Ewa Hari Raya. One, two, three. Tak nak daddy nyanyi sorang2. Bluek!.
Selamat hari raya, Selamat hari raya
Di hari mulia ucapan dikirim kepada semua muslimin muslimat
Kepada ayah bonda sanak saudara
Tidak lupa kepadamu kekasih yang tercinta
Selamat hari raya, Selamat hari raya
Kupohon ampun segala dosaku Lupakan setiap rasa kemarahan
Ataupun kebencian yang tersimpan
Hari ini hari mulia, Bersihkan jiwa raga
Ewa ewa banyak chickies lawa
Aku pon sudah bergaya Hari ini hari raya
Bila tiba hari begini umat Islam bergembira
Menyambutnya di sana-sini, bermaaf-maaf bersama
Tom tam bola, kain langsir ela-ela
Nenek rambut putih, Datuk janggut merah
Emak jangan meleter, Bapak jangan marah
Jangan masuk kolong, hari ini hari raya!.
Haha. Best kan nyanyi lagu raya?. Sekarang dah hujan selebat-lebatnya. Ni mesti gara-gara aku lah. Hujan oh hujan, tolong stop eh by kul 3 sebab aku nak pegi keje nanti. Okay, nanti pegi keje ngan Zamir. Nak beli rokok lagik pakai duit tips semalam. Haha. Lepas keje pegi Geylang ngan budak2 keje. Pukul 3 pagi masih bukak ke tu bazar?. Niari confirm habis lambat pasal eve of public holiday. Haiz.
Okay. I bought myself a new:
Audio Technica Headset which cost me $55.
Wardrobe which cost $145.
And a wall hanger. (I drill myself okay).
Sayonara people!Labels: eve of hari raya
12:28 PM
Hello angels and demons from my nightmare.
I didn't have time to post a proper entry because of my tight schedule. Everyday is a hectic day for me. Wake up at noon, clean up the house a lil' bit and off to work at 3 pm. Reach home at 3 am and the cycle goes round and round. So mundane. Haiz.
Okay, I'm currently employed at Hacienda Bar. It's somewhere at Dempsey Hill. So for me, take the train to Clementi/Dover and board 106 from there. The journey to work is about 45 mins. Yesterday was kinda busy because of the F1 GP. Furthermore the Ferrari team held their pre-event party here. Lucky the post-event party was held at Prive (same management with Hacienda). So most of the staff here have to go Prive to help out and by 9 pm it's left with Min, Emy, Y Kassem and of course me. So there's a busy and fast-paced Ferrari service going on. Haha.
Cakap pasal kerja jek bila nak game. Pejam celik, pejam celik, dah tinggal dua hari berpuasa walaupun tk puasa. Haha. Baju raya dah beli and family aku pakai warna hitam. Cukup time kalau Hari Raya panas terik, family aku lah down dulu. Kuih raya pon dah siap bikin and aku tolong mak aku macam akulah yang anak dara. Korang datang umah aku makan kuih-muih tu semua bekas tangan aku tau. Lampu kelap-kelip dah pasang sampai sikit hari aku kene current. Kejong badan aku sekejap. Anjing betol!. Habuk-habuk kat tingkap semua aku dah lap sampai terkeluar muscle2 aku. Langsir dah pasang sampai jatuh2 terpanjat sana sini.
Esok sebelum pergi kerja, aku nak kasi style ngan rambut aku, beli contact lens hijau n tengok lah ape lagi boleh belik. Haha. Pak, nak $200 bleh, please?. Bapak kan hensem, bini bapak pon lawa n cun melecun. Alamak, dah macam cerite Do-Re-Mi P. Ramlee lah pulak. Haha. Sampai disini saja entry aku.
Sayonara people!

Salam Lebaran 2007.
Labels: eve of hari raya
1:07 PM
Hello there angels and demons from my nightmare.
I'm moving on.
Enough said.
Sayonara people!.Labels: lost faith in love
3:08 PM
Hello there angels and demons from my nightmare.
I wonder why does the stupid china people (or shall I call them dogs) purposely contaminate the milk with melamine. In the first place what is melamine. Okay kids, melamine is an industrial chemical used in plastics, fertilisers, dyes, glue, kitchenware and other heat-resistant materials. And why does these dogs add inedible melamine into milk?. Because these dogs watered down their milk and ended up reducing the milk's protein level; and they believed that by adding melamine, it will increase back the protein level so that the authorities will not discover the protein deficiancies. By consuming melamine, it can cause kidney stones and leads to renal failure for infants.
Okay, let us think about what dairy products that made in China we've consumed all these years. Oh shit!. I've found one and I regret thinking about it.

Familiar candy?. I'm sure you've eaten it at least once in your lifetime unless you got no childhood (pathetic biatch). This white rabbit candy looks innocent, especially with that kinky white rabbit mascot. It was one of my childhood favourites until recently. I wonder how many liters of melamine I've consumed all these years.
I guessed I gonna go dialysis right now and washed away all the melamine in my kidneys.
Sayonara people!.
Labels: from my perspective
11:53 PM
Hello there angels and demons from my nightmare.
Can I be emo for this entry?. I don't mind if she doesn't care about this entry. At least I make my feelings clear.
I just don't understand why u hated me for nothing. I know you've move on with live but so much so I don't expect you to move on away from me like avoiding me. It seems like I did something terrible, hurtful to you but that's not the fact. I don't blame you for leaving me. Maybe my characterwise doesn't suits you but please don't only look at the negative aspects. Look at the positive side, like how much I've sacrificed for you and shaped the woman in you. I don't expect anything in return nor I do expect this kind of treatment from you. If I'm in the wrong, these hands of mine are always there to seek forgiveness from you.
Change?. I'm not a changed person. My hearts still beats and bleeds for you. I just don't know when I'm gonna move on. It's difficult and I'm just a weak guy. The reason why I didn't come to school is not because I'm lazy. I just can't face you anymore. Everytime I saw you I became very weak and vulnerable. You are my first college love and the only face that I most recognised in school. How we used to love and care for each other, now it's all gone. Maybe you concluded that I've changed because the party pictures and all shows. I need to enjoy with my friends just to put a side all the sorrows. But those enjoyment are short-lived. When it's over, it's still you that I cried and yearn for. With you around, I don't think this shit happens. I'm going through hell, honestly.
Okay, so you've moved on and I'm still coping hard to live without you. I'm not hoping anything from you except to be friends again with you, like how close we used to be after we broke up but not seriously close. Experience teach me well and I give you my word that I won't repeat those mistakes. I just wanna mend the strained friendship. I know your family well enough that I don't wanna waste this friendship away. I'll regret my whole life if I let you be another passing face because you are the only person knows me inside out, upside down. Please don't run away from me. Hari Raya coming up. Let's forgive each other. =)Labels: lost faith in love
6:36 AM

7:33 AM
Hey dearest,
do you remember me like I remember you?
Do you spend your life going back in your mind to that time?
Because I walk the streets alone and I hate being on my own
Everyone can see that I really fell and I'm going through hell
Thinking about you with somebody else.
Somebody wants you, somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can't breath without you, it's lonely
Somebody hopes that one day you will see
That Somebody's Me.
How could we go wrong?
It was so good and now it's gone
I pray at night that our paths soon will cross and what we had isn't lost
Cause you're always right here in my thoughts.
You'll always be in my life even if I'm not in your life
because you're in my memory.

Labels: somebody's me
9:31 AM
Hello there angels and demons from my nightmare.
I just came back from Ardie's house and I'm farking tired plus sleepy.
Okay, yesterday night after going to money changer at Lot 1, unexpectedly I saw Zac Boyan. What the effing hell he doing alone at Lot 1. Such a loner like me. Haha. Actually planning to meet Abang Syah to pass the dinner money but it was cancelled. So we decided to chill out instead.
Yesterday was a near full squad. Those who were there : Zac Boyan, Bob, Zan, Azhari, Kamil, Man, Nizar, Linda, Dilah and myself.
First stop we went to Henderson Wave. It's a new attraction that connects all the Southern Ridges in Singapore. While on our way, we try to corner baring at South Buona Vista Road aka "GAP". Wah, although Man rides a Vespa and Nizar is his pillion, he's superb in cornering till Nizar can smell the tar smell of the road. Haha. As for me, I'm Azhari's pillion for the night and we nearly over-anticipate the cornerings and lucky we didn't end up in the ditch. Or else, Hari Raya you can visit me at NUH. Haha. At Henderson Waves, we played games and laugh all the shits out. Ardie joined us about an hour later. We chilled till about 4 plus in the morning and it's time to sahur.
Next stop, The Cheese Prata Shop at Pasir Panjang. I tell you, the prata is damn superb, especially when it goes with milk tea. And I'm effing hungry, especially at wee hours like this. Haha. Then after that, Ardie, Kamil, Linda, Dilah and me proceed back to CCK while the rest went to Mustafa Centre to shop. Crazy right. Haha.
Okay, that's all for the day. Hopefully there are more colourful life ahead of me.
Thanx Nizar and Zan for your help.
Sayonara people!.Labels: riding
3:37 PM